8 Top Tips to Make Life Easier For the Corporate Traveller

16th November 2015

Corporate travel can be stressful, tiring and repetitive. Try to make life on the road – or in the air – easier by adopting these great tips.

Our tips are designed to help those who use corporate travel of many kinds and, of course, our corporate customers too!

  1. Times and delays: It’s probably the ‘Golden Rule’ of any kind of travel, but always make sure you have gaps in your travel whether that’s between trains or enough spare ‘airport time’ to count for any potential road delays.
  2. Checklist: You are always going to forget something, whether it’s insignificant or irreplaceable, which is why you should always use a checklist. Don’t be vague either, details and those ‘unforgettable little things’ are still worth making a note of.
  3. Keep charged: Charge everything the evening before and then immediately put your charged gadgets into your hand luggage, so you don’t have to worry about phone or laptop batteries running low!
  4. Crease free clothes – wear black! Yes, it’s true! There are such things as crease free clothes and any travelling businessperson knows that black hides creases anyway. Take care to pack things carefully and once you arrive at a hotel, hang your suits / dresses to prevent more creasing.
  5. Make it easier: Pack more of the essentials – underwear, socks and extra t shirts. You can make an outfit look different by pairing new tops with already worn trousers and skirts. Men should pack the same colour socks, so they don’t have to pack multiple pairs of shoes. An umbrella is handy too!
  6. Stay packed: It’s true that packing is a nightmare, so why not keep all of those ‘must haves’ in a case? Most businesspeople use a carry-on suitcase that has the minimal items you need. If you have spare socks and underwear wash them after a trip and put them back in your case, it’s the same with toiletries!
  7. Hotel TVs: Never turn the TV on. Choose to do work, go sightseeing if you have the time, do exercise or call home rather than wasting time with the TV!
  8. Jet lag advice: Everyone manages with changing time zones differently – some well and some not so well. Find out what your body needs and what its best suited to. It’s recommended that you avoid alcohol on flights to keep hydrated and more alert. Push your body to stay awake until it’s a reasonable bedtime in your new time zone to try and force your body into the right sleep pattern.

If you have some great travel tips we would love to hear them! Tweet us at @stanley_travel to share your ideas and tips with us!

  • Find out about our corporate travel services by visiting the website. You can also call us on 01207 237 424 to discover more about our fleet of corporate vehicles and get a competitive, no obligation quotation.

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