Tips To Motivate Your Inner Cyclist Out Into the Cold This Winter
As the nights get darker and the temperatures drop, there can sometimes be nothing less appealing than getting on your bicycle for the daily commute.
Keep warm!
The weather is key in putting people off cycling in the winter – understandably – so if you dress appropriately you’re eliminating the worst factor.
Cycling clothing can be of a varying quality, so don’t skimp on this part of your preparation!
Prepare your bike
As a daily commuter, prepare your bag and clothing the night before. It’s wise to check the bicycle is in good condition after every ride too. Ensure that you have the necessary kit, spare pump and your water bottle ready.
Enter events and clubs
Never get out of the habit! Why not sign up for one of many winter events or get in touch with your local club and arrange a ride? If you keep it as part of your routine, then it shouldn’t get too difficult to motivate yourself for that brisk ride!
Cycle with a friend or group
In the summer it’s enjoyable to have a leisurely cycle on your own, but in the winter you may feel better protected to have a cycling buddy. If you use public transport, why not see if any of the other cyclists’ on-board cover part of your journey too? A cycling friend is great for safety, communication and motivation – much-needed at this time of year!
Have a plan
Know what you need and when. Decide how long the commute will take in varying conditions and factor in any roadworks etc. you can download apps to keep track of your journeys, which will bode well for your motivation – make it there quicker next time!
Summer is six months away!
It’s a sad and miserable fact, but those leisurely cycles are a long way away now, so get used to it! Who said tough love never worked…? Don’t get out of the habit as your body adapts to the winter, or you’ll pay for it when you get back in the saddle come the summer!
Got some top tips about winter riding? Let us know at @UKBikeBus!
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